28 November 2009

What Tohoshinki can do, but not Dong Bang Shin Gi Wednesday November 25. 2009 Korea

It seems unlikely fans will get to see all five members of Dong Bang Shin Gi (TVXQ) in Korea for the time being but Tohoshinki, as they are called in Japan, is set to resume their activities in the country, according to reports. According to Japanese media including "Daily Sports", the group is set to appear on Nihon TV's year-end awards ceremony "Best Hit Festival 2009" on November 26. They proved they remain a force to be reckoned with, being nominated for the Gold Artist Award alongside top Japanese singers including EXILE and Koda Kumi. TVXQ has also decided to show up at Fuji TV's "FNS Kayousai 2009" on December 2 and have also been juggling their schedule to make appearances on NHK's "Kohaku Uta Gassen", translated into "Red and White Song Battle", and other year-end music ceremonies.

Hence, TVXQ will undertaking their activities in Japan as a five-member group for the first time in three months since last performing together at the A-Nation Osaka concert on August 30. After Japanese media quoted Korean reports saying the group may be on the verge of disbanding over legal disputes, TVXQ's fans in Japan had been as worried as fans in Korea over what lies in the future for one of Asia's most popular boy bands. NHK broadcast a rerun of an episode featuring the group in its music program "Music Japan" upon receiving endless requests from viewers. And Ishihara, producer for the program and also executive producer for NHK's "Kohaku", wrote on his blog, "I know many of you TVXQ fans out there must feel insecure in many ways these days. I really hope this rerun makes you happy and we hope to be able to make a second TVXQ special in the near future."

Meanwhile, TVXQ's Japanese agency Avex reaffirmed its stance it announced on August 6, saying it will continue to carry out full-fledged support of the group's activities in Japan. Other than making TV appearances, the band is also set to release their 29th single "BREAK OUT!" in Japan on January 27 next year. But fans will get to hear the lively dance tune ahead of the single's release, as it will be the theme song to NHK's Thursday night drama "Tomehane! Suzusato High School, Calligraphy Club" premiering January 7. TVXQ also plans to meet with fans thereafter, starting with Kobe between January 19 to 20, a week later in Sendai and on the two last days of the month in Yokohama.

THSK to appear together for the first time in 3 months Sunday November 22, 2009 Japan

DBSK/THSK is going to appear on Japanese television with all five members together. It will be their first public appearance together in almost 3 months, since they have not been seen together after their Osaka concert which happened on August 30th in Japan.

They will appear on Nihon TV's "Best Hit Music Award 2009" on coming 26th and Fuji TV's "FNS Music Award" on December 2nd. They are also planning on attending NHK's "Red White Kohaku" and "Japan Record Awards". Members will soon part for Japan in order to plan their schedules for these end of year ceremonies.

Although Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu are legally independent of SM Entertainment now (as in they don't have to listen to SME on DBSK related activities), they are still bound to AVEX, their Japanese management as Tohoshinki. As long as their contract with AVEX stands, they are to carry on with their Japanese schedules. Will they really appear as one THSK on these shows, and will there be any performances?

23 November 2009


Pemasyarakatan HaKI di kalangan pengusaha IKM dimaksudkan untuk menimbulkan kesadaran akan pentingnya daya kreasi dan inovasi intelektual sebagai kemampuan yang perlu diraih oleh para pengusaha industri yang ingin maju sebagai faktor pembentuk kemampuan dayasaing industri. Oleh karena itu karya temuan orang lain yang didaftarkan untuk dilindungi harus dihormati dan dihargai.
Di samping itu kesadaran dan wawasan mengenai HaKI diharapkan akan dapat menimbulkan motivasi dan dorongan agar pengusaha IKM terdorong untuk berkreasi dan ber-inovasi di bidang produk dan teknologi produksi, serta manajemen.
Pelatihan HaKI dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi serta pengetahuan kepada para pengusaha industri kecil dan menengah, LSM, Yayasan dan Asosiasi, sehingga mereka memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang Hak Cipta sebagai karya cipta manusia, Paten serta Merek maupun HaKI lainnya.
1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan peserta pelatihan dalam peraturan-peraturan, hukum yang berlaku serta sanksi-sanksi dalam penerapan HaKI.
2. Agar para peserta pelatihan mengetahui prosedure penerapan HaKI dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan penerapan HaKI.
3. Agar para peserta termotivasi untuk menciptakan hal-hal baru di bidang produk industri yang menyangkut disain, proses produksi serta pemakaian merek sendiri.

A.1a. Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Konvensi-konvensi International.
Pada saat ini Indonesia telah memiliki perangkat peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang hak kekayaan intelektual yang cukup memadai dan tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan sebagaimana yang dipersyaratkan dalam Persetujuan TRIPS. Peraturan perundang-undangan dimaksud mencakup :
1. Undang-undang No. 12 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahan Undang-undang No. 6 Tahun 1982 tentang Hak Cipta sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang No. 7 tahun 1987 (UU Hak Cipta); dalam waktu dekat, Undang-undang ini akan direvisi untuk mengakomodasikan perkembangan mutakhir dibidang hak cipta;
2. Undang-undang No. 29 Tahun 2000 tentang Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman;
3. Undang-undang No. 30 Tahun 2000 tentang Rahasia Dagang;
4. Undang-undang No. 31 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Industri;
5. Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2000 tentang Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu;
6. Undang-undang No. 14 Tahun 2001 tentang Paten (UU Paten); dan
7. Undang-undang No. 15 Tahun 2001 tentang Merek;
Di Indonesia, sistem perlindungan merek telah dimulai sejak tahun 1961, sistem perlindungan hak cipta dimulai sejak tahun 1982, sedangkan sistem paten baru dimulai sejak tahun 1991. Sebelum disempurnakan melalui peraturan perundang-undangan yang ditetapkan pada tahun 2001, beberapa waktu yang lalu (tahun 1997) terhadap ketiga peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut telah dilakukan perubahan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan Persetujuan TRIPS. Sebagaimana dimaklumi, Persetujuan TRIPS merupakan kesepakatan internasional yang paling comprehensif, dan merupakan suatu perpaduan yang unik dari prinsip-prinsip dasar GATT
– General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (khususnya tentang national treatment dan most-favoured nation) dengan ketentuan-ketentuan substantif dari kesepakatan-kesepakatan internasional bidang hak kekayaan intelektual, antara lain Paris Convention for the protection of

22 November 2009

MAMA: DBSK says "I Love You" to members, SME incensed with DBSK trio, JaeChunSu cried backstage

TVXQ was awarded the 'Best Asia Star Award' at the Mnet 2009 MAMA at the Seoul, Jamshil Indoor Stadium on the 21st.

Xiah Junsu said, "Thank you. It's been a while. We are thankful to received such a big award. This award was not one we could have received from the efforts of only one member, the best efforts from all five members were needed to receive this award so it is more meaningful to us. We would like to thank all our fans in Asia for this award."

Micky Yoochun said, "This is the first time I've ever had such a big yearning to sing on a stage like this. I was able to get to such a place because I became a singer by meeting great members. Please give us your support. We will become a group who does not fall below your expectations."

Lastly, YoungWoong Jaejoong said, "We are more happy because it was an award give to us by our fans across Asia. We would like to thank all our domestic and overseas fans who are watching this. I would like to tell two people who might be watching this that I love them." (Translated by Soompi Member)

TVXQ 3 Members: “We Never Signed The Shenzhen Concert Contract” Friday November 20, 2009 Korea

Three members of group TVXQ stated that an unauthorized use of their signatures was used for the documents relevant to the Shenzhen concert. Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, and Micky Yoochun’s representative stated on the 19th that, “We realized only recently that the signatures of the three members of TVXQ were being used without authorization. The signatures on the Shenzhen concert note of confirmation were not signed by the three members themselves, but somebody else signed the paper instead.”

The three members side found out about the unauthorized use of their signatures on the note of confirmation after their Korean and Chinese fans questioned the validity of the signatures. The note of confirmation in question was the document that recognized the singer’s willingness to attend the concert in China. This document was then shown at the location of ticket sales in order to prove to ticket buyers that the singer would indeed be attending the concert. Sejong Law Firm’s Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk of the three TVXQ members stated, “Setting aside the validity of the Shenzhen concert contract, this act was an action that brought misunderstanding to the fans. We are planning to take counteractions against this action officially.”

Sejong also released a hand written document of Mr. A who says he signed the note of confirmation instead. He also showed the actual signatures of Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun to show that there were clear differences in the signatures. according to the hand written document, Mr. A “Signed the Shenzhen Concert note of confirmation instead of TVXQ in March.” Mr. A’s claims are to be investigated.

Lawyer Lim stated, “On the 19th, we requested for a judgment by an expert on the signatures on this note of confirmation and the members’ original signatures. Even just by seeing it, you can tell that there is quite a big difference.”

He also said, “When this lawsuit was initiated, the three members promised to perform all preassigned activities. However, the Shenzhen concert was not one of them. The members found out about the Shenzhen concert during the procedures of the lawsuit.” He also said, “Even the fans new that there was a problem with the signatures on the note of confirmation. Therefore, we asked SM to show us the details of the Shenzhen concert contract but SM did not comply.”

One representative of Korean music industry, “In the case that the singer in an agency is busy, there are times when a representative signs the papers instead after telling the singer of the concert or the schedule.” This representative also stated, “When the relationship between the agency and the singer is good, there are no problems . In such a case, I believe that it has become a problem due to the deteriorating relationship between SM and the three members of TVXQ.”

Dong Bang Shin Ki trio accused of fraud in China? Friday November 20, 2009 Korea

It has been known that Dong Bang Shin Ki trio (Micky YooChun, Xiah JunSu and Hero JaeJoong) has been accused of fraud in China.

Dong Bang Shin Ki’s representative came out to say, “This is just a unilateral allegation, there is no problems in terms of legal issues.”

It was known that a cosmetic company has launched a complaint of fraud against the trio at the on 17th and 18th November at the Beijing Arbitration Commission and the Beijing Haidian District People’s Court of Arbitration and Litigation.

The plaintiff ‘Ye Ja Ryeo (睿姿丽)’ have revealed that the trio have promised to attend the various large-scale promotional activities for their joint venturn cosmetic line (Crebeau) when they first joined the joint venture as shareholders and directors, but they did not turn up for any planned events. They have only continuously apologised for their absence.

The company also raised the point that if the trio do not turn up for the events, it has led to many fans’ unhappiness and demand for refund of their goods. The company quoted an amount of 170 million KRW in loss due to that.

But the representative lawyer for the trio Im SangHyuk have said, “I also heard about this only from the reporters. But since the situation now is that even the investors saying to abandon the case, there is not problems in terms of legal issues, just a unilateral allegation from the plaintiff.”

Mnet Invited TVXQ For Their Year-end Awards Wednesday November 17, 2009 Korea

On the 16th, it was revealed by Mnet’s office that they have invited TVXQ, whose members are in the midst of a legal dispute with their management company, to attend their year-end awards “Mnet Asian Music Award” (hereafter known as MAMA). This year’s MAMA will be held on the 21st November, Seoul, Jamsil Gymnasium.

Their office said, “MAMA’s aim is to show the rest of Asia Korea’s culture” and “the award ceremeony will be aired across the 10 main countries in Asia, like Japan, China, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, where TVXQ is the best artist. Thus, Korea’s top artist cannot be excluded from the invitation.”

On MAMA’s end, they have expressed interest in inviting TVXQ to attend their awards. On the 16th, they said that they would get in touch with TVXQ’s management to see whether it would be possible for them to attend or not. However, TVXQ’s company, SM Entertainment has declared that they would not be attending MAMA, so a lot of attention has been cast on TVXQ to see whether or not they will attend.

An official from the KPOP industry said, “Last month, the courts approved a partial injunction to the 3 members’ exclusive contract with the company, and the 3 members are allowed to participate in their own individual activities” and “while we hope that all 5 members can attend together, the possibility of only the 3 members attending is high”.

MAMA is holding their award ceremony on the 21st, which was originally the date of TVXQ’s concert in China. However, SM Entertainment claimed that, “The 3 members expressed that they did not wish to participate in the concert that was to be held on the 21st, and the remaining performances are uncertain.” In contrast, the 3 members’ side claimed that “From the beginning, the China concert (Shenzhen) was not in the contract.”

A representative from a company for idol groups said, “SM Entertainment and the 3 members have differing opinions, and the dispute is becoming more serious. Disbandment might be inevitable.”

18 November 2009

Tensions heighten between TVXQ and agency Tuesday November 17, 2009 Korea

The rift between three members of boy band TVXQ and their agency SM Entertainment grew deeper last week as the singers failed to notify SM on whether they are willing to resume their activities in Korea next year as a five-member group.

The agency, in a legal dispute with Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu who asked a court in late July to nullify their exclusive contract with SM, had announced during a press conference in early November that it would give the three singers 10 days to make the decision but the three did not hand a response to SM by the deadline last Thursday.

"TVXQ will not be able to make a comeback to the local music scene early next year since in actuality, they refused to be members of the group," SM said in a statement, adding they are "sorry to see such an outcome despite our will to see the band continue its activities."

SM added that the three members however, told the company that they would not take part in a concert set to take place in Shenzhen of China on November 21, leaving the future of other pre-scheduled shows uncertain.

The concert was one of the total 12 shows TVXQ was set to perform at as part of their third Asia tour which had been agreed upon in the middle of last year, and the three singers had agreed to participate and perform at all shows already set, despite the ongoing legal battle, SM explained.

A legal representative for the Hero, Micky and Xiah refuted SM's argument, saying SM notified the group of the concert after the three singers had applied for provisional disposition of their 13-year contract with SM and failed to disclose a contract detailing the terms regarding the show.

"Even their fans know the concert in Shenzhen had not originally been on their agenda...... The three asked SM to provide them with the contract but they never got to see it so they decided not to perform," Lim Sang-hyuk, attorney at law firm KIM & SHIN said.

He also added that the three members are still willing to talk with the agency as soon as issues over their unfair contract and shares of profit are resolved.

TVXQ, who debuted in 2004 with album "Hug", is one of Korea's most successful K-pop groups. They are stars throughout Asia, reportedly having the largest fanbase in the world, and have enjoyed great success in the Japanese music industry in particular.

The band became the first foreign artist to top the Oricon singles charts six times with their 27th single "Share the World/We are!" released this year.

Avex Reports, "No change in Japan with TVXQ's activities"; Difficult to return to Korean stage next year Saturday November 15, 2009 Korea

In Korea, the media reports their views that it will be difficult for the five members of TVXQ to perform together. They also reported that their future activities in Korea during the early part of 2010 are unclear.
Meanwhile, TVXQ's concert in China, which was supposed to take place on the 21st of November 2009, has been cancelled.

However, in Japan, it has been decided and reported that:
"TVXQ will release their new song, "BREAK OUT!" in the new year 2010."

And also:
"TVXQ's fan meeting performances have been confirmed." (In January 2010.)

To TVXQ: Andy's Meaningful Advice Friday November 13, 2009 Korea

“It will be hard, like having to debut all over again.”

Andy, member of idol group Shinhwa with the longest career, who is in the middle of his solo activities, revealed his “personal opinion” about TVXQ’s situation which is a hot issue in the K-pop world.

Andy who debuted in 1999 under the same company as TVXQ, SM Entertainment, as Shinhwa, has gained lots of popularity. But as soon as the exclusive contract was over, he and the rest of the members had to move to another entertainment company and continuously did activities with passion.

Recently,in the interview with Sports Dong-A, Andy cautiously stated “I sincerely would like TVXQ and their fans who have been with them since the beginning to get back together and continue their activities." and “They should know that if they find another way, they have to start all over again.”

The days after leaving Shinhwa's debut company, Andy says, “It was a great difficulty,” and stressed “They should know that when they leave their debut company, it takes more effort and it is two - three times harder than when they first debuted.”

While Shinhwa’s group activity is on hold due to its members on army service, Andy has continued with his solo activities and scouted new singers, and has turned into a CD producer. In his own company, he has assembled a casting team, and together with (the casting team) has been searching for new entertainers/trainees.

Because of this, Andy is looking at the music industry as a producer. With his experience, he added, "Idol groups that gained popularity quickly think that their efforts are what's important, but still thinking that it is dangerous,"and "You must acknowledge the fact that the company has capabilities and talent."

Deadline of 12th Nov up! No response from DBSK's 3 members; SHENZHEN CONCERT CANCELED. Friday November 13, 2009 Korea/China

Dong Bang Shin Ki trio Hero JaeJoong, Micky YooChun and Xiah JunSu did not respond to the deadline which SM Entertainment gave them on 2nd November.

SM Entertainment revealed on 12th November, “Until 6pm, they did not give us an answer.”

And about what will happen after this since the 3 have not given an answer, the SM representative said that they are not in the position to say anything yet. But they will be coming up with an official stand again.

During a press conference held on 2nd November, SM Entertainment gave the trio a deadline till 12th November to respond if they have plans for album release as part of Dong Bang Shin Ki early next year.

But the 3 have not given an answer by the deadline. And when asked if it will lead to disbanding of the group, the representative said, “It has not been mentioned to us yet the steps which will follow from here.”

It seems that this fight between the trio and the company will last longer than we have expected it to be.

Jaejoong & Yunho At First Official Press Conferences Wednesday November 11, 2009 Korea

TVXQ's U-Know Yunho and YoungWoong Jaejoong have been garnering attention for showing their support for each other at their individual press conferences after the dispute began.

The two people's friendship seemed not to have been disturbed in any way by the legal dispute with agency SM Entertainment. In fact, they both seemed to be trying hard not to accidentally bring harm to the other.

YoungWoong Jaejoong attended the press conference of 'Postman of Heaven' at 4:30 pm at the CGV at Wangship-li in Seoul on the 9th and said, "It was hard for me to decide to show my face at this press conference which is my first official outing since the trial," and "But I wanted to attend the press conference because this production was something I worked hard on a year ago."

He also said, "When I was filming the movie, it was a busy time as activities for the fourth album were going on at the same time. So the members couldn't give me a lot of advice but U-Know Yunho and Choikang Changmin supported me by telling me to work hard," and "I did not give U-Know Yunho advice when he began filming for his drama. I didn't worry about him because he's a friend who works as hard as he can in everything he does," and showed his deep trust and faith in U-Know Yunho.

He also showed his affection by saying, "U-Know Yunho is a friend who hardly ever says 'I'm tired', or 'I'm sick'."

At the press conference for MBC's drama 'Heading to the Ground', U-Know Yunho supported the three members who had a different stance than him by saying "I hope that the TVXQ dispute is ended in a good, reasonable way. There are a lot of bad rumors floating around but please don't believe them."

When more TVXQ-related questions were asked, he carefully said, "I don't know why everyone is thinking of it so negatively. There are a lot of bad rumors going around. I worry that these rumors are only worsening the situation. I hope that nobody believes in these rumors and from my point of view, I hope that everything ends in a good and reasonable manner."

On the other hand, SM Entertainment gave the ultimatum to the three members and said, "TVXQ will make a comeback next spring. Answer our question of your return by the 12th." An answer regarding this was not available from YoungWoong Jaejoong on the day of the press conference.

11 November 2009

Jaejoong at Heaven’s Postman press conference

As previously mentioned, on November 9th TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong along with co-star Han Hyo-joo appeared at a special preview screening of Heaven’s Postman (Postman to Heaven) at the CGV Theater in Seoul. After the screening, Jaejoong had a brief press conference with the reporters.

During the press conference he stated that he was very nervous and he cringed when he first saw himself on the big screen. He also stated that acting is a bold new challenge and everything was so new and foreign to him, but the producer of the film along with Han Hyo-joo really helped him throughout the process.

Tohoshinki Fans Flock to Theaters to Hear New Song Tuesday November 10, 2009 Japan

A new song from Tohoshinki has been garnering attention, and the record label and various music download websites have been swamped with requests for information. The song is titled '時ヲ止メテ / Toki o Tomete [lit. 'Stop (Freeze) Time']' and from August has been used in TV commercials for cosmetics brand Menard. It is a ballad that effectively shows off the five members' skills as vocalists. Fans have been able to listen to parts of the song's chorus by watching the TV commercials, but besides that there have been no announcements for it to become available in CD or be distributed online as a truetone. So fans only knew about ten seconds or so of the song.

But now word has gotten around that during the end credits of the film 'TOHOSHINKI THE LIVE 2009', a short 3 minute and 40 second version of the song could be heard. The film is currently being shown in 19 theaters nationwide. Since no official announcements had been made about '時ヲ止メテ / Toki o Tomete' being featured in the end credits, for fans who went to see the film it was a pleasant surprise. Now that it has become famous, in theaters all around Japan one can find Tohoshinki fans in their seats intently listening to the song.
By hearing a longer version instead of the few dozen seconds of the song that had been used in the commercials, fans have recognized just how superb the ballad really is. That has fueled calls for the song to be released in CD. In response to the popular demand, there are talks underway for a downloadable version to become available prior to its release. But until then the great ballad will still remain difficult for fans to fully enjoy.

TVXQ is one step closer to breaking up? 09 Nov 2009

The three members of TVXQ who have taken legal action against SM Entertainment are planning to work by themselves, according to their legal counsel.

When Sports Seoul asked the three members' legal counsel about SME demanding the three members to make a decision by the 12th, they were told:

"The three members are taking a break at the moment and are planning new projects. We do not plan on responding to SME's press conference. SME was ordered by the court to submit relevant evidences and they have been ignoring this order for almost 3 months now and they also have not been following any other court orders. Conversations with SME will start when they start respecting the court's decision. The court said that the three members may work on their own, so we do not need SME's permission on that. We are also seriously considering making criminal accusations against SME."

The three members are now planning their own projects separate from that of the five-member TVXQ and in no way related to SME. They also do not intend on responding to SME's demand for an answer by the 12th.

09 November 2009

Who spent the night with TVXQ’s Jaejoong?

Apparently Taegoon spent a night down in Pusan with TVXQ's Jaejoong. The two have been friends since they were students as they are of the same age and come from the same town.

Jaejoong and Taegoon were spotted eating sashimi and hanging out from the 7th until the 8th in Pusan, a major city and also the largest port of the country located on the southern coast of Korea.

Taegoon has been busy promoting his music and Jaejoong has a movie that is about to open (Heaven's Postman), so we could say that they deserve a little break. Especially Jaejoong, with all the drama surrounding the members of TVXQ.

Unfair Contract Dispute, SM has Changed its Stand? Sunday November 8, 2009 Korea

SM Entertainment CEO’s Kim Young Min, who is involved in the ‘unfair contract’ dispute with his artistes, has recently announced a new contract policy, and that it will be put into action once it gets approved by the related authorities.

SM Entertainment Representative, Kim Young Min, who attended the press conference which was held on the 2nd of November 2009 at 63 Tower, has expressed, “We would collect all comments from music and entertainment industries, related government departments, cultural and tourism board, fair trade departments, educational circles and legislative bodies, based on the law to adjudicate a new contract policy. After the approval from the respective authorities, we would then put it into action. Then follow it (new contract policy) enthusiastically.”

Kim agreed, “If we are able to come out with a new exclusive contract policy based on the law, SM would like to re-contract with all current artistes based on it.”

Kim also expressed, “Under the new exclusive contract, the moment it’s signed it would be protected till the contract ended, if not the current situation would repeat over and over again in the future.”

“In order to prove that what have just I said is nothing but the truth, we would first like to take the advice from the impartial committee,” he said.

But, everyone was not able to fully believe this announcement by SM Entertainment. Professor Lee from Korea Art University stated, “If SM do not wish to have what they have just said to turned into nothing, then they should assure them.” He continued, “Based on what SM have said, they do not wish to fully take on the advice from the impartial committee, but to forcefully come out with a new contract policy, which was questionable (their announcement).” Professor Lee ended, “If SM was really sincere about this, they should work on the new contract based on the advice and not vice versa, and then to get it approved by the representative authorities.”

05 November 2009

Law suit may lead to TVXQ split ; TVXQ: slave contract or ingratitude? Wednesday November 04, 2009 Korea

The possibility of Korea's top idol group TVXQ disbanding is increasing, after their agency sent an apparent ultimatum to three of the five-member boy band to return to the agency.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday, SM Entertainment chief Kim Young-min accused the three members -- Xiah, Hero, and Micky -- of having sued against the company out of greed to make more money.

Kim was speaking about the ongoing legal battle between the three members and the company. The three band members claim the contract signed between TVXQ and the management agency is unfair.

Last month, a lower court sided with the three and ruled that parts of the contract should be invalidated, paving the way for them to resume individual music and advertisement careers.

The agency vowed to bring the case to a higher court, saying the three must follow the contract as long as they continue to be part of TVXQ, and should get paid according to the current contract.

The other two members -- U-know and Max -- rendered their support for the management agency's claim, expressing hope that the other three would return quickly.

In their statement, the two stressed that all members have worked under the same contract with SM Entertainment for the past five years.

"We believe that TVXQ would not have been in existence without SM Entertainment, which created the group. We are also not willing to resume our career as TVXQ without our current agency," the statement said.

In a related movement, SM Entertainment chief Kim made it clear that although the court granted freedom to the three members to pursue individual activities, they are allowed to work as TVXQ only under SM.

The company demanded that the three members reply to its request to return to the agency by Nov. 12.

But it is widely viewed that the three are unlikely to continue to work with the management agency due to deep distrust between the two sides.

CreaBeau speaks out on TVXQ Issue Tuesday November 3, 2009 Korea

When the TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki controversy first began, the three members and their lawyers clearly stated that the three members’ investments in the CreBeau cosmetics line did not have any relevance to the court case. The core of the controversy was the legal issues of the slave contract. In SM Entertainment's opening statement, they stated that the lawsuit was because of the cosmetics issue.

To clear up the confusion, Kang Suk Won, the President of the Korean branch of CreBeau (Wishop Plus) was interviewed. Kang has already sued SME’s CEO Kim Young Min for slander to the Seoul Central Court on October 4th, 2009.

Kang said, “Although this case is obviously to fight the unfair profit splits and the conflict between the members and SME, SME is trying to push the blame onto CreBeau.”

Kang went on to reveal that the three members have only invested approximately 70,000 dollars, 60,000 dollars, and 40,000 dollars respectively. This amount, he said, was not enough to earn the three members rights to ownership of the business, let alone a big part of the profit.

Kang said, “In May 2009, some SME representatives visited the original branch of CreBeau Cosmetics in China twice. They determined that the members were not going against contract terms in any way, and now SME is distorting the true reason behind the case and putting out ridiculous claims... SME said that the whole lawsuit was due to the members’ wanting to continue a business that went against contract terms. This has no credibility in that SME has already approved of the investments previously. The members wouldn’t risk all the things that they gained as TVXQ by creating a conflict with their company over insignificant investments. It was a private investment, and the three have no ownership over the business in any way. They’re merely investors, nothing less, nothing more. What does this have to do with the lawsuit, and why is SME attempting to connect the two together?”

Kang went on to say that SME’s actions have brought about significant harm to the business not only in Korea, but all over Asia, including China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, and even the United States. For the employees and CEOs all over the world, CreBeau is their sole income. SME should have considered the impact its blames would bring to the business and the people involved in it.

“If SME’s company and its profits are so important that they are willing to harm others for it, then SME should recognize that it is the same for others.” Kang went on to say that “If SME does not stop distorting the truth and doesn’t apologize for the harms it brought upon CreBeau, I will not hesitate to reveal the details of SME’s absurd act to the public and to the court.”

TVXQ Fanclub Says, "Stop actions trying to divide TVXQ!" Tuesday November 3, 2009 Korea

TVXQ's fanclub Cassiopeia has expressed their official stand on SM Entertainment's press conference.

On the 2nd of November, they have stated their official standpoint through a fansite.

Cassiopeia expressed, "Everything, excluding the words directly from TVXQ, we do not believe, and we would like SM to stop trying to divide the fans by causing confusion/chaos." and "We are very disappointed, and saddened with SM by saying those statements were by Yunho and Changmin, and also with the press conference. The reason for this lawsuit is because of the 13-year slave contract, not because of the cosmetic business. With the court’s decision released on the 27th, SM is to not interfere with the three members’ own/individual activities, and would immediately like for SM to stop with their actions on trying to divide the TVXQ members."

At the same time, with the release of Yunho’s and Changmin’s statements, suspicions were roused among the fans. Many questions were raised, like the position of the signature and name, and the doubt that it may not be handwritten. Conflict between SM and the fans will seem to continue from this point on.

TVXQ’s Participation in the Concert at Shenzhen, Last Stop for the Tour Tuesday November 3, 2009 Korea

Confirmed: TVXQ will participate in the concert at Shenzhen

Before the ruling, all TVXQ members had signed as a confirmation that they will be participating in the Shenzhen Concert. This event will definitely not be affected by the conclusion of the lawsuit. Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin had all participated.

Regarding Kim Jaejoong’s, Park Yoochun’s, and Kim Junsu’s ability to choose their own activities, we have contacted the relevant person in-charge in SM Entertainment; the responsible person said that all five members of TVXQ have deep feelings towards Chinese Cassiopeia. The five of them could not bear to hurt their fans’ feelings. “Last 2nd of October, at the Shanghai Concert encore stage, the whole audience (Cassiopeia) was holding “Miduhyo” cloths to express their support, and this scene had touched everyone; TVXQ is not an exception. All five members will participate in the Shenzhen Encore Concert.”

Confirmed: Shenzhen Concert, last stop for the tour

Since the Shenzhen stop was decided by both sides before the verdict had been signed, the performance will not be affected, regardless of the outcome of the court’s decision. TVXQ will bring a full line-up scheduled appearance in Shenzhen to the Chinese fans, bringing the most exciting concert encore.

Regarding the rumours indicating that there would still be Chengdu, Guangzhou and Nanjing stops after Shenzhen, the company stated that “TVXQ’s concert in Shenzhen to be held on the 21st is definitely the 3rd Asia Tour final station. They will perform a complete line-up, and paint a successful closing for the 3rd Asia Tour.”

03 November 2009

NOTE: the FAKE news (apparently) TVXQ Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun’s Full Statements

The only reason I (Sweetz) decided to leave this 'fake news' is because it was circulated for a while and I think that fans of DBSK deserves to know what happened.

Please remember that Allkpop is NOT a very reliable source, so please read all those news with care. AF wishes to bring you all the latest in regards to the law suit, and will be updating frequently as more news are released. But if they are from allkpop, please read with care. We are not affiliated or associated with them, it is rare that we post these 'breaking news' from allkpop, but we think AF members deserves to know what is going on. And we trust AF-ers to read with a cautious mind.

We previously reported about Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun's reaction to SM Entertainment's press conference. The full interview and statements from the 3 TVXQ members have now been revealed. Both parties are now in a full on battle and have added yet another layer of complexity to this already complicated story.

Q: Yunho and Changmin are still with SME.

"That is very unfortunate. SME offers unacceptable conditions to their artists. It breaks our hearts to know that Yunho and Changmin are still there."

Q: You have partially won the trial. How do you feel about your victory?"

"We're more worried about how Yunho and Changmin would feel confused about the ruling. They must have thought that SME, a major entertainment company, would win."

Q: Yesterday, Yunho and Changmin showed their support for SME.

"They can't help but do such thing. They have to do something like that because they're with SME. We've done a lot of things we didn't want to do as well, because we were forced."

Q: How are you finding their decision?

"It'd be a lie if we didn't find it somewhat bitter. But we know that they have their own story, so we understand them."

Q: What do you plan on earning through this lawsuit?"

"All we want is to part from SME. The contracts were unfair, especially the length of 13 years. Division of profit was problematic as well. The three of us have yet to receive our share of income amounting up to couple hundred thousand dollars each."

Q: Some view the lawsuit as the end of DBSK?

"We do not want to cease working as or break apart from DBSK. We just want to end our relationship with SME."

Q: Are you in contact with Yunho or Changmin?

"We lost contact with them after we took legal actions. But we can assume why that would have happened.

Q: How do you plan on maintaining your relationship with those two members?

"If they have something that is holding them back from talking to us, then we will fight to change that. They will speak up when the time comes."

Q: So you are willing to stay together with two other members?

"When this whole thing is over, we will resolve our misunderstandings with the two. We will wait for that day."

Q: Any plans on working as three?

"We will not release an album or perform on stage until Yunho and Changmin comes back to us."

Q: Are you going to stay together until the end with the other members?

"We want to keep DBSK. The stage means something only when all five of us are on it. We are one. We will walk in the name of DBSK until the end."

DBSK JaeChunSu strongly denies "We never conducted an interview" Monday November 2nd 2009 Korea

It has been known that DBSK's three members Micky Yoochun, Xiah Junsu, and Youngwoong Jaejoong recently conducted an interview with Sports Seoul regarding the lawsuit against SM Entertainment.

But this has been proven to be false.

On November 3rd, during a call with No Cut News, the three members denied the direct interview saying, "We haven't conducted an interview with any media regarding the lawsuit."

They continued, "In the article, it is said that a person named Mr. A is the one who relayed the story. How can this be considered a direct interview?" and expressed their opinions.

Their close associate said "They have no plans to have any interviews for a while" and requested that they do not post articles using information from associates.

While SportsSeoul.com posted an article on the morning of November 3rd named '[Direct Interview] DBSK three members understand Yunho and Changmin's position... But we're still one.' The article ended with a one-on-one interview with Mr. A who is said to be with the DBSK three members.

TVXQ not allowed to continue group activities! Monday Noverber 1, 2009 Korea

SM Entertainment will have a press conference today regarding the conflict with TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki.

Lawyers of SM Entertainment said:

"The court's ruling for TVXQ is not fair. They didn't consider the main reasons of the case. Their long contract is so that we can let them grow and have a long term deal with them. We want to look at their career in the long run and the court's decision is not letting us do that. This is going to affect TVXQ's international promotions. It'll also create confusion for stars that want to have long term contracts and move on to bigger things later in their careers and for the companies that want to nurture talented people for a longer time. Not only that, it'll have some unwanted consequences on exports of Korean music as well as other issues."

They continued to say:

"Each year, we adjusted the contracts in favor of the members. Before this problem, the three members never complained about anything. Now that they have succeeded this much, they are complaining. They have just started to reach the top and now want to separate. Before a final decision is made, the three can do their personal and individual work. But we will not allow them to do any activities as TVXQ right now. Because of all this, TVXQ has not been able to work and we want to request money that could've been made by TVXQ during this time."

31 October 2009

SM-TVXQ Contract w/r/t/ Income Distribution, Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

The Court has granted the injunction filed by the members of TVXQ against SM Entertainment.The Court found that the Contract between SM and the Members was unconscionable and against public policy. Following this victory, the Members are proceeding with the main suit to ask for the rightful shares of all income generated from their activities.

The following is a summary of the outrageous terms of the Contract that relates to the distribution of income. The clear conclusion is that the TVXQ members have received next to nothing for their six years of work, and that virtually all money we spend to buy SM products stay with SM. Please read the below to see the extent of the injustice.

Please keep in mind that SM's contract with TVXQ has been amended five times and therefore the applicable terms have varied over time. Accounting for all the resulting complexities, the truth adds up to the following:


I. TVXQ has received $0 for their album sales prior to July 2008, and only a negligible amount after that date.

Prior to the fifth and final round of amendments on July 1, 2008, the Contract read that for any album or single with sales not exceeding 500,000 copies, SM would be entitled to 100% of the profits, leaving the members with nothing. From the time of TVXQ's debut in late 2003 and until TVXQ's release of their 4th Korean album "Mirotic" in September 2008, no Korean album had sold more than 500,000 copies. Therefore, prior to July 2008 TVXQ has had absolutely zero income from their album sales.

On July 1,2008, SM amended the Contract to give each Member 1% of total sales for each album that sells over 200,000 copies. For any albums that sell fewer copies, the members are to receive 0.6% to 0%. SM has not honored even these outrageous terms, as it has not paid TVXQ a single cent since February 2009.

In sum, SM has kept 100% of all sales that TVXQ has generated with the sales of their albums and singles prior to July 2008, and has kept 95% or more of the sales after that date.


II. TVXQ has received $0 for the sales of concert DVDs and albums featuring recordings from such concerts.

Under the Contract, the Members are not entitled to receive any share of the profits generated from sales of concert DVDs and "live" albums.


III. TVXQ has received $0 for their appearances on TV programs.

Under the Contract, Members are not entitled to receive any share of the profits made through their TV appearances if the appearance is of a temporary nature. As all programs on which TVXQ appeared have featured the Members as "guests"and therefore by nature have been temporary, SM has kept all profits that TVXQ has generated from these TV appearances.


IV. For all other possible sources of revenue, SM subtracts from the total revenue all expenses, including salaries of other staff, stage preparation expenses, rent, travel expenses, food expenses, and the like, then gives TVXQ only a fraction of the remaining amount.

As for all other sources of income, the Contract states that TVXQ is entitled to varying percentages of the "net income." The Contract defines "net income" to be the amount remaining after the applicable "operating costs". The "operating costs" are defined to include such expenses that are traditionally expected to be covered by the employer, including but not limited to 1) salaries of the staff (manager, clothing coordinators, makeup artists, dance crew, and the like), 2) performing stage preparation costs, 3) living expenses, including rent and water/electricity bills, 4) travel expenses, including plane ticket costs, 5) meal expenses, and the like.

Even after all these "operating costs" are deducted from the net income, the Members are only entitled to a small percentage of the remainder while SM keeps the rest.


In conclusion, please realize that SM has kept virtually all of the profits that our Members have generated over the past six years. Our Members have received, literally, next to nothing.

Following thevictory of the granting of the preliminary injunction, the Members now prepare for a suit to claim their rightful share of the profits that they themselves generated. Please help them win the lawsuit by boycotting all SM-made products and merchandises (this excludes all Avex-made products, which includes Japanese albums and singles released in Japan).

Please remember that every cent you spend on SM will be used to fuel SM's efforts against our Members in the main suit. We as fans support TVXQ in their rightful fight fortheir rights.

30 October 2009

After U-Know Yunho Appointment as Advertising Model, EVISU is Having Steady Rise in Revenue. Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

Ever since the appointment of TVXQ leader U-Know Yunho as unique casual jeans EVISU advertising model for 2009 F/W season, the brand’s sale in Seoul as well as sale throughout the region has experienced a steady rise.

Each product ads that is using U-Know Yunho has been crowned as best sales item including U-Know Yunho “HOPE campaign t-shirt” and “U-KNOW t-shirt” which are the having the best response and large share in revenue.

In addition, starting from September to November, will be released sequentially “poster calendar” item revealing U-Know Yunho’s autumn to winter pictures which is going to be updated monthly. With various EVISU special images of the energetic-look U-Know Yunho, another great response from fans to this product is expected.

This EVISU’s star marketing efforts has generated around 100 million monthly sales from EVISU stores all around the country.

TVXQ will Resume Activities in Japan Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

After the last October 27th Court decision of terminating some effects of exclusive contract, the five members of TVXQ will be back to Japan and resume their activities there.

On the 29th (today) Daily Sports Japan met TVXQ’s official from their signed Japanese label AVEX, and as quoted from the official, TVXQ members should be back to Japan to continue their full activities this fall.

The official did not mention a specific schedule, however he said that the year-end events such as “The 51st TBS Japan Record Award” (organized by Japan Composers Association) and especially “The 60th NHK Uta Gassen” are included in the current schedule.

According to Sankei Sports on the 29th, the popular group Tohoshinki will also participate in theme song for NHK new drama “とめはねっ!铃里高校书道部” that is starting on January 7th next year, the song is entitled “BREAK OUT!”

NHK side commented, “We’re gathering image as Tohoshinki is one of the most popular group in Japan right now.” . While TVXQ leader U-Know Yunho said about their new song, “We hope through this song, we can give even just a little cheering hope for the youngsters.”

Tohoshinki To Sing Theme Song For NHK's New Drama Thursday October 29, 2009 Japan

It was revealed on the 28th that Korea's popular 5-member group, Tohoshinki, will be singing the theme song "BREAK OUT!" (on sale this winter) for NHK's new drama 「とめはねっ!鈴里高校書道部」 (starting next year 7th January, Thursday, 8pm).

Having sung the drama theme song "A Thousand Year Love Song" for NHK's period drama "The Legend" (2007~2008), this is their first Japanese production with the same agency. After attending last year's Kouhaku Uta Gassen for the first time, and holding a successful 2-day Tokyo Dome tour, they are "a group with the most power" (agency), and were selected among other artists.

The OST is a lively pop song. It's a story about struggling through competitions and love, and takes place in a high school's calligraphy club, ♪つかみとれ未来 運命なんて きっとMake yourself 君次第 (T/N: Seizing the future, you have to make your own fate, it's up to you); the song relays the message of pushing forward for your dreams. The leader, Yunho (23), commented, "It's a song that supports the feelings of any youth who is doing his best."

28 October 2009

TVXQ Jaejoong’s Heaven’s Postman release date changed? 26 Oct 2009

Last week we reported that Heaven's Postman, a telecinema production starring TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong and Han Hyo-joo was going to be released on November 25th. However, there's now rumors to the contrary.

A Japanese media report is reporting that Heaven's Postman will be released in theaters on November 12th. Now, the people in head of the Telecinema 7 project have neither confirmed nor denied this so take this as simply rumor at this point. I know that Ninja Assassin is going to be released on November 25th, and Korean superstar Rain/Bi will have the theaters in Korea packed to see his movie, so maybe that is the reason for moving up the release date? Regardless, fans would rather watch it sooner than later.

Court rules in TVXQ’s favor 27 Oct 2009

Earlier today, the court had issued a ruling that SM Entertainment cannot interfere with the individual activities of the three members of TVXQ: Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu.

Basically, SM Entertainment can no longer claim full exclusivity on the three TVXQ members. However, the court was unable to decide on whether the contract is invalid at this point as there were way too many variables.

In response, SM Entertainment has revealed that they will immediately appeal the ruling. SME will also hold an official press conference to disclose the truth and their position regarding this matter, which was never revealed to the media previously.

This case ain't over yet as Sejong law firm, representing TVXQ, will file a lawsuit to be compensated for damages as well as to have the contract deemed invalid.

With the recent developments of this case, many feel confident that TVXQ will be able to continue as a group. We will just have to wait a little longer.

TVXQ's Dogs

Where is the Secret Hidden, Such That Tohoshinki has Been Making Glorious Achievement, Sunday October 25th 2009 Japan

Tohoshinki has received intense support from fans by the five members’ personalities, outstanding singing abilities, and physical beauty through “MIROTIC” (recorded in their fourth Korean album). KBS2TV has aired the truth in their program “Music Bank.” (A/N: This bit kinda confused me o.o)

Tohoshinki is popular not only in Korea, but is also becoming endlessly popular in Japan, too. They’re valued as “The Most Successful Foreign Artist in Japan,” and are receiving enthusiastic support from the Japanese fans, just the same as that from Korean fans.

In September, Jaejoong and Yoochun’s duo album, and the Tokyo Dome Concert DVD were placed number one on the Oricon chart, from the first day the products were released. This month, they received the “GOLD” title from the Recording Industry Association of Japan, selling more than 100,000 albums and DVDs.

A representative from the Oricon Chart says, “Tohoshinki is the most successful (foreign) artist in Japan,” and twenty years have passed since an artist from another country has topped the Total chart. He also stated that Tohoshinki is the third artist who has sold more than 100,000 albums, and the only foreigners who have succeeded before are The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

Tohoshinki made their debut in Japan in 2005, and their success at the Tokyo Dome in four years’ time shows that they are smoothly running up the stairs of success.

It is a great significance that as a new singer, they have broken the Japanese barrier, and that they have performed at the Tokyo Dome (where every Japanese singer dreams to hold concerts), even though they are not Japanese.

In Korea, they are top stars achieving the grand slam, but their activities in Japan started by performing on the stairs of shopping centers. Their enthusiastic activities were connected to the concert tour, gathering a total of 300,000, including the Tokyo Dome.

It is very difficult to gather an audience of 300,000 even if you are a top star in Japan. The current Japanese top idol group Arashi achieved this number on their eighth year. Comparing the numbers, you can see that Tohoshinki has achieved such a great popularity that no one can ever imagine.

On their 2005 debut tour, Tohoshinki had gathered approximately 15,000 people. In just four years, the numbers jumped twenty times, and that speaks of their booming popularity.

In the biggest Japanese record shops, there are now always big Tohoshinki posters, and in a restaurant, there are even menus like “Jaejoong Seafood Tot Pot Ki” and “Yoochun Omelette.” Tohoshinki’s popularity seems to be beyond imagination.

Tohoshinki is saying, “When we first made a debut in Japan, we cannot speak Japanese fluently, and that all we can do was to introduce the songs in Japanese. But now, we can understand each other, and over that, we can express our true feelings directly by singing.” They also stated that “Coming to Japan, we have achieved the dream to perform on our own at the Tokyo Dome, and Tohoshinki has grown much bigger. This was achieved because all the fans supported us, giving us all their love.”

Tohoshinki will hold a nationwide mega fan meeting in order to respond to these fans’ support. Starting on the 19th to the 20th of January at the Kobe World Kinen Hall, the 27th of January at the Sendai Hot Super Arena, and on the 30th to the 31st of January at the Yokohama Arena, there will be a total of ten fan meetings, and Tohoshinki and the fans will have a joyful time together.

A person who is involved in the Japanese entertainment industry states that “Tohoshinki became highly recognized in Japan last year, and we can say that they are in no way inferior to other top Japanese idol groups this year.” He also states that “I am expecting Tohoshinki to play their roles, so that the friendly relations between Korea and Japan will become more solid, together with Bae Yongjoon.”

jaechunsu express their gratitude; Court rules partial provisional disposition of exclusive belonging terms for TVXQ’s contract with SM Ent, Tuesday O

The court has gave out the final ruling on the lawsuit between the 3 members of Dong Bang Shin Ki and SM Entertainment.

Seoul Central Court revealed on 27th October a citation of their ruling for the lawsuit between the SM Entertainment and TVXQ Hero JaeJoong, Xiah JunSu and Micky YooChun.

It was revealed, “We see that part of the terms in their contract has much destroyed the good morals of the whole contract. SM Entertainment should not interfere with its singers’ independent unique activities and also contract to perform and other entertainment activities.”

Previously in July, the 3 members of Dong Bang Shin Ki has revealed their 13-year long contract under SM Entertainment, which meant that they will possibly be working under SM Entertainment for life, and has applied for the effect of provisional disposition of the terms in their contract. And the 2 parties have engaged in a lawsuit as SM Entertainment insist that the terms under their contract are reasonable.

The court also revealed, “Through the individual agreement, there is high possibility for group activities to continue, but for the provisional disposition of the existing activities and the profit allocation, it is invalid and difficult. We will have to dismiss the application for the full provisional disposition of the effects of the exclusive belonging terms in the contract.”

THSK's Vocal Abilities Recognised In Japan! "They're Not A Dance Group, They're An Acapella Group.", Sunday October 25, 2009 Korea/Japan

On 23rd October, MBC's "Star The Secret" did a coverage on THSK's popularity level in Japan, saying that THSK is a group that ensured that "Any product that they endorse is sure to sell; as long as they release an album, it'll immediately be safe in the number one ranking in 5 minutes; to get a ticket for their constantly sold-out concerts, fans have to go into mouse-wars; they are the group that has the biggest fanbase in the company."

Something that caught everyone's eye recently: THSK is a hot group in Japan, and their vocal abilities are recognised in Japan. Production crew and staff who have worked with THSK, as well as Japanese fans all say that "We've always known that THSK is an acapella group. In Korea, they are recognised as an idol group for their dancing and singing, and their vocal abilities are now being shown off in Japan."

It was only when the production crew for the show was checking on THSK's popularity in Japan, did they realise that THSK's popularity in Japan has long exceeded their expectations by far, in fact, they've climbed to unimaginable heights.

Pinky candy, endorsed by THSK, is now selling nationwide in Japan. In the biggest Japanese music sales arena, the whole place is filled with large posters of THSK and The Beatles. The person in charge told the programme crew "THSK's albums are popular in the first place, so we will put up a special selling booth in the middle of the arena, and of THSK's albums will be sold there. As long as THSK put out a record, it's almost confirmed that they will reign in the charts, they are really popular."

A staff from Japanese station KNTV said this about THSK's popularity to the production crew, "THSK, whose popularity is shooting skyhigh in Japan, is different from the Hallyu starts that enjoy popularity here. THSK didn't use the Hally wave and didn't come to Japan as Korean stars; debuting instead, as a JPOP group in Japan, formed by 5 Koreans. During their debut period, like all new artists, they went around and did small-scale activities, and the members of THSK even went to the broadcast stations personally to promote their albums."

When they first debuted, they stood on a platform and performed in front of 30 people. Ironically, when they were experiencing this in Japan, it was at a time when they were at the height of their popularity in Korea, sweeping all the awards in the ceremonies, and becoming Korea's top stars in 2006.

They relinquished their positions as top stars, as well as their pride, and started doing activities in Japan from the bottom. After almost 4 long years of working in Japan, THSK finally performed on their dream stage, the Tokyo Dome, with their own concert, and are unanimously acknowledged by the Japanese audience: THSK is the most successful Korean artist in Japan.