31 October 2009

SM-TVXQ Contract w/r/t/ Income Distribution, Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

The Court has granted the injunction filed by the members of TVXQ against SM Entertainment.The Court found that the Contract between SM and the Members was unconscionable and against public policy. Following this victory, the Members are proceeding with the main suit to ask for the rightful shares of all income generated from their activities.

The following is a summary of the outrageous terms of the Contract that relates to the distribution of income. The clear conclusion is that the TVXQ members have received next to nothing for their six years of work, and that virtually all money we spend to buy SM products stay with SM. Please read the below to see the extent of the injustice.

Please keep in mind that SM's contract with TVXQ has been amended five times and therefore the applicable terms have varied over time. Accounting for all the resulting complexities, the truth adds up to the following:


I. TVXQ has received $0 for their album sales prior to July 2008, and only a negligible amount after that date.

Prior to the fifth and final round of amendments on July 1, 2008, the Contract read that for any album or single with sales not exceeding 500,000 copies, SM would be entitled to 100% of the profits, leaving the members with nothing. From the time of TVXQ's debut in late 2003 and until TVXQ's release of their 4th Korean album "Mirotic" in September 2008, no Korean album had sold more than 500,000 copies. Therefore, prior to July 2008 TVXQ has had absolutely zero income from their album sales.

On July 1,2008, SM amended the Contract to give each Member 1% of total sales for each album that sells over 200,000 copies. For any albums that sell fewer copies, the members are to receive 0.6% to 0%. SM has not honored even these outrageous terms, as it has not paid TVXQ a single cent since February 2009.

In sum, SM has kept 100% of all sales that TVXQ has generated with the sales of their albums and singles prior to July 2008, and has kept 95% or more of the sales after that date.


II. TVXQ has received $0 for the sales of concert DVDs and albums featuring recordings from such concerts.

Under the Contract, the Members are not entitled to receive any share of the profits generated from sales of concert DVDs and "live" albums.


III. TVXQ has received $0 for their appearances on TV programs.

Under the Contract, Members are not entitled to receive any share of the profits made through their TV appearances if the appearance is of a temporary nature. As all programs on which TVXQ appeared have featured the Members as "guests"and therefore by nature have been temporary, SM has kept all profits that TVXQ has generated from these TV appearances.


IV. For all other possible sources of revenue, SM subtracts from the total revenue all expenses, including salaries of other staff, stage preparation expenses, rent, travel expenses, food expenses, and the like, then gives TVXQ only a fraction of the remaining amount.

As for all other sources of income, the Contract states that TVXQ is entitled to varying percentages of the "net income." The Contract defines "net income" to be the amount remaining after the applicable "operating costs". The "operating costs" are defined to include such expenses that are traditionally expected to be covered by the employer, including but not limited to 1) salaries of the staff (manager, clothing coordinators, makeup artists, dance crew, and the like), 2) performing stage preparation costs, 3) living expenses, including rent and water/electricity bills, 4) travel expenses, including plane ticket costs, 5) meal expenses, and the like.

Even after all these "operating costs" are deducted from the net income, the Members are only entitled to a small percentage of the remainder while SM keeps the rest.


In conclusion, please realize that SM has kept virtually all of the profits that our Members have generated over the past six years. Our Members have received, literally, next to nothing.

Following thevictory of the granting of the preliminary injunction, the Members now prepare for a suit to claim their rightful share of the profits that they themselves generated. Please help them win the lawsuit by boycotting all SM-made products and merchandises (this excludes all Avex-made products, which includes Japanese albums and singles released in Japan).

Please remember that every cent you spend on SM will be used to fuel SM's efforts against our Members in the main suit. We as fans support TVXQ in their rightful fight fortheir rights.

30 October 2009

After U-Know Yunho Appointment as Advertising Model, EVISU is Having Steady Rise in Revenue. Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

Ever since the appointment of TVXQ leader U-Know Yunho as unique casual jeans EVISU advertising model for 2009 F/W season, the brand’s sale in Seoul as well as sale throughout the region has experienced a steady rise.

Each product ads that is using U-Know Yunho has been crowned as best sales item including U-Know Yunho “HOPE campaign t-shirt” and “U-KNOW t-shirt” which are the having the best response and large share in revenue.

In addition, starting from September to November, will be released sequentially “poster calendar” item revealing U-Know Yunho’s autumn to winter pictures which is going to be updated monthly. With various EVISU special images of the energetic-look U-Know Yunho, another great response from fans to this product is expected.

This EVISU’s star marketing efforts has generated around 100 million monthly sales from EVISU stores all around the country.

TVXQ will Resume Activities in Japan Friday October 30, 2009 Korea

After the last October 27th Court decision of terminating some effects of exclusive contract, the five members of TVXQ will be back to Japan and resume their activities there.

On the 29th (today) Daily Sports Japan met TVXQ’s official from their signed Japanese label AVEX, and as quoted from the official, TVXQ members should be back to Japan to continue their full activities this fall.

The official did not mention a specific schedule, however he said that the year-end events such as “The 51st TBS Japan Record Award” (organized by Japan Composers Association) and especially “The 60th NHK Uta Gassen” are included in the current schedule.

According to Sankei Sports on the 29th, the popular group Tohoshinki will also participate in theme song for NHK new drama “とめはねっ!铃里高校书道部” that is starting on January 7th next year, the song is entitled “BREAK OUT!”

NHK side commented, “We’re gathering image as Tohoshinki is one of the most popular group in Japan right now.” . While TVXQ leader U-Know Yunho said about their new song, “We hope through this song, we can give even just a little cheering hope for the youngsters.”

Tohoshinki To Sing Theme Song For NHK's New Drama Thursday October 29, 2009 Japan

It was revealed on the 28th that Korea's popular 5-member group, Tohoshinki, will be singing the theme song "BREAK OUT!" (on sale this winter) for NHK's new drama 「とめはねっ!鈴里高校書道部」 (starting next year 7th January, Thursday, 8pm).

Having sung the drama theme song "A Thousand Year Love Song" for NHK's period drama "The Legend" (2007~2008), this is their first Japanese production with the same agency. After attending last year's Kouhaku Uta Gassen for the first time, and holding a successful 2-day Tokyo Dome tour, they are "a group with the most power" (agency), and were selected among other artists.

The OST is a lively pop song. It's a story about struggling through competitions and love, and takes place in a high school's calligraphy club, ♪つかみとれ未来 運命なんて きっとMake yourself 君次第 (T/N: Seizing the future, you have to make your own fate, it's up to you); the song relays the message of pushing forward for your dreams. The leader, Yunho (23), commented, "It's a song that supports the feelings of any youth who is doing his best."

28 October 2009

TVXQ Jaejoong’s Heaven’s Postman release date changed? 26 Oct 2009

Last week we reported that Heaven's Postman, a telecinema production starring TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong and Han Hyo-joo was going to be released on November 25th. However, there's now rumors to the contrary.

A Japanese media report is reporting that Heaven's Postman will be released in theaters on November 12th. Now, the people in head of the Telecinema 7 project have neither confirmed nor denied this so take this as simply rumor at this point. I know that Ninja Assassin is going to be released on November 25th, and Korean superstar Rain/Bi will have the theaters in Korea packed to see his movie, so maybe that is the reason for moving up the release date? Regardless, fans would rather watch it sooner than later.

Court rules in TVXQ’s favor 27 Oct 2009

Earlier today, the court had issued a ruling that SM Entertainment cannot interfere with the individual activities of the three members of TVXQ: Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu.

Basically, SM Entertainment can no longer claim full exclusivity on the three TVXQ members. However, the court was unable to decide on whether the contract is invalid at this point as there were way too many variables.

In response, SM Entertainment has revealed that they will immediately appeal the ruling. SME will also hold an official press conference to disclose the truth and their position regarding this matter, which was never revealed to the media previously.

This case ain't over yet as Sejong law firm, representing TVXQ, will file a lawsuit to be compensated for damages as well as to have the contract deemed invalid.

With the recent developments of this case, many feel confident that TVXQ will be able to continue as a group. We will just have to wait a little longer.

TVXQ's Dogs

Where is the Secret Hidden, Such That Tohoshinki has Been Making Glorious Achievement, Sunday October 25th 2009 Japan

Tohoshinki has received intense support from fans by the five members’ personalities, outstanding singing abilities, and physical beauty through “MIROTIC” (recorded in their fourth Korean album). KBS2TV has aired the truth in their program “Music Bank.” (A/N: This bit kinda confused me o.o)

Tohoshinki is popular not only in Korea, but is also becoming endlessly popular in Japan, too. They’re valued as “The Most Successful Foreign Artist in Japan,” and are receiving enthusiastic support from the Japanese fans, just the same as that from Korean fans.

In September, Jaejoong and Yoochun’s duo album, and the Tokyo Dome Concert DVD were placed number one on the Oricon chart, from the first day the products were released. This month, they received the “GOLD” title from the Recording Industry Association of Japan, selling more than 100,000 albums and DVDs.

A representative from the Oricon Chart says, “Tohoshinki is the most successful (foreign) artist in Japan,” and twenty years have passed since an artist from another country has topped the Total chart. He also stated that Tohoshinki is the third artist who has sold more than 100,000 albums, and the only foreigners who have succeeded before are The Beatles and Led Zeppelin.

Tohoshinki made their debut in Japan in 2005, and their success at the Tokyo Dome in four years’ time shows that they are smoothly running up the stairs of success.

It is a great significance that as a new singer, they have broken the Japanese barrier, and that they have performed at the Tokyo Dome (where every Japanese singer dreams to hold concerts), even though they are not Japanese.

In Korea, they are top stars achieving the grand slam, but their activities in Japan started by performing on the stairs of shopping centers. Their enthusiastic activities were connected to the concert tour, gathering a total of 300,000, including the Tokyo Dome.

It is very difficult to gather an audience of 300,000 even if you are a top star in Japan. The current Japanese top idol group Arashi achieved this number on their eighth year. Comparing the numbers, you can see that Tohoshinki has achieved such a great popularity that no one can ever imagine.

On their 2005 debut tour, Tohoshinki had gathered approximately 15,000 people. In just four years, the numbers jumped twenty times, and that speaks of their booming popularity.

In the biggest Japanese record shops, there are now always big Tohoshinki posters, and in a restaurant, there are even menus like “Jaejoong Seafood Tot Pot Ki” and “Yoochun Omelette.” Tohoshinki’s popularity seems to be beyond imagination.

Tohoshinki is saying, “When we first made a debut in Japan, we cannot speak Japanese fluently, and that all we can do was to introduce the songs in Japanese. But now, we can understand each other, and over that, we can express our true feelings directly by singing.” They also stated that “Coming to Japan, we have achieved the dream to perform on our own at the Tokyo Dome, and Tohoshinki has grown much bigger. This was achieved because all the fans supported us, giving us all their love.”

Tohoshinki will hold a nationwide mega fan meeting in order to respond to these fans’ support. Starting on the 19th to the 20th of January at the Kobe World Kinen Hall, the 27th of January at the Sendai Hot Super Arena, and on the 30th to the 31st of January at the Yokohama Arena, there will be a total of ten fan meetings, and Tohoshinki and the fans will have a joyful time together.

A person who is involved in the Japanese entertainment industry states that “Tohoshinki became highly recognized in Japan last year, and we can say that they are in no way inferior to other top Japanese idol groups this year.” He also states that “I am expecting Tohoshinki to play their roles, so that the friendly relations between Korea and Japan will become more solid, together with Bae Yongjoon.”

jaechunsu express their gratitude; Court rules partial provisional disposition of exclusive belonging terms for TVXQ’s contract with SM Ent, Tuesday O

The court has gave out the final ruling on the lawsuit between the 3 members of Dong Bang Shin Ki and SM Entertainment.

Seoul Central Court revealed on 27th October a citation of their ruling for the lawsuit between the SM Entertainment and TVXQ Hero JaeJoong, Xiah JunSu and Micky YooChun.

It was revealed, “We see that part of the terms in their contract has much destroyed the good morals of the whole contract. SM Entertainment should not interfere with its singers’ independent unique activities and also contract to perform and other entertainment activities.”

Previously in July, the 3 members of Dong Bang Shin Ki has revealed their 13-year long contract under SM Entertainment, which meant that they will possibly be working under SM Entertainment for life, and has applied for the effect of provisional disposition of the terms in their contract. And the 2 parties have engaged in a lawsuit as SM Entertainment insist that the terms under their contract are reasonable.

The court also revealed, “Through the individual agreement, there is high possibility for group activities to continue, but for the provisional disposition of the existing activities and the profit allocation, it is invalid and difficult. We will have to dismiss the application for the full provisional disposition of the effects of the exclusive belonging terms in the contract.”

THSK's Vocal Abilities Recognised In Japan! "They're Not A Dance Group, They're An Acapella Group.", Sunday October 25, 2009 Korea/Japan

On 23rd October, MBC's "Star The Secret" did a coverage on THSK's popularity level in Japan, saying that THSK is a group that ensured that "Any product that they endorse is sure to sell; as long as they release an album, it'll immediately be safe in the number one ranking in 5 minutes; to get a ticket for their constantly sold-out concerts, fans have to go into mouse-wars; they are the group that has the biggest fanbase in the company."

Something that caught everyone's eye recently: THSK is a hot group in Japan, and their vocal abilities are recognised in Japan. Production crew and staff who have worked with THSK, as well as Japanese fans all say that "We've always known that THSK is an acapella group. In Korea, they are recognised as an idol group for their dancing and singing, and their vocal abilities are now being shown off in Japan."

It was only when the production crew for the show was checking on THSK's popularity in Japan, did they realise that THSK's popularity in Japan has long exceeded their expectations by far, in fact, they've climbed to unimaginable heights.

Pinky candy, endorsed by THSK, is now selling nationwide in Japan. In the biggest Japanese music sales arena, the whole place is filled with large posters of THSK and The Beatles. The person in charge told the programme crew "THSK's albums are popular in the first place, so we will put up a special selling booth in the middle of the arena, and of THSK's albums will be sold there. As long as THSK put out a record, it's almost confirmed that they will reign in the charts, they are really popular."

A staff from Japanese station KNTV said this about THSK's popularity to the production crew, "THSK, whose popularity is shooting skyhigh in Japan, is different from the Hallyu starts that enjoy popularity here. THSK didn't use the Hally wave and didn't come to Japan as Korean stars; debuting instead, as a JPOP group in Japan, formed by 5 Koreans. During their debut period, like all new artists, they went around and did small-scale activities, and the members of THSK even went to the broadcast stations personally to promote their albums."

When they first debuted, they stood on a platform and performed in front of 30 people. Ironically, when they were experiencing this in Japan, it was at a time when they were at the height of their popularity in Korea, sweeping all the awards in the ceremonies, and becoming Korea's top stars in 2006.

They relinquished their positions as top stars, as well as their pride, and started doing activities in Japan from the bottom. After almost 4 long years of working in Japan, THSK finally performed on their dream stage, the Tokyo Dome, with their own concert, and are unanimously acknowledged by the Japanese audience: THSK is the most successful Korean artist in Japan.

25 October 2009


Tvxq is the favorite artist in MTV Japan!
Tohoshinki has a huge asian influence…thanks to their achievements (not only in korea..also in japan) on 2008 they mada a carrer with song suchs as Purple Line, Beautiful you/千年恋歌 (Sannen no uta),どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう? (doushite kimi wo suki ni shima ttan darou?) and of course MIROTIC that had a new record because this song stayed in the ORICON for almost 5 weeks!-so that they are loved by japanese industries!
Their tour in Japan- ARENA TOUR: "Tohoshinki 3 Live Tour - T" was a success concert…the expectation in CASSIOPEIAS was so big that the tickets were sold out!
The last january 21th , the “launched” their last hit calls BOLERO / KISS THE BABY SKY /忘れないで (Wasurenaide) and then they got the first places in the polls becoming another success to TVXQ!
“BOLERO”: for Korean artist the chorus is really hard to do.but we can see that they made it perfectly ..so there..wer can see how wonderfull they are like artists!


5 male members group Dong Bang Shin Ki’s Rising Sun was insterted in the song list of United States’ Blockbuster Movies “Fast and Furious”.

Rising Sun was registered in the site of “Fast & Furious (2009)”, while the singer Dong Bang Shin Ki was introduced as TVXQ, taken from its Chinese pronunciation “Tong Vfang Xien Qi”.

“Fast and Furious: The Original” is scheduled to be released world wide on April 2nd, wherein Rising Sun becomes the background music in the characters’ chasing scene.


TVXQ The Secret Documentary Preview 22 Oct 2009 korea

Last week, we reported that MBC's Star Documentary will air a documentary on TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki. The documentary is scheduled to air on October 23rd, but a preview for the documentary has been recently uploaded to the internet.

The preview only lasts around 23 seconds and shows them in their pre-debut and debut days. The documentary should cover it all, from their childhood, to their success in Japan, and also the recent controversies and lawsuit with SM Entertainment. Like previously mentioned, it should also contain interviews from the members themselves, teachers, close ones, trainees, composers, producers, etc. I'm sure Cassiopeia and Big East are both eager to watch the documentary, check out the preview below for now.

Jung Yunho For High Cut 23 Oct 2009 korea

New photos of DBSK leader U-Know Yunho, has been featured on the latest edition of 'High Cut' magazine.

As many of you may know, Yunho has been starring in MBC drama, Heading To The Ground along with actress Go Ara. On camera, the singer-turned-actor has displayed his passion by taking on the new challenge of acting instead of singing.

The length of the High Cut photoshoot, which lasted past midnight, did not affect the heart-capturing allure of Yunho's glare; Yunho's charm will definitely make your skin tingle through these pictures.

U-Know Yunho's feature in High Cut is a package of manliness, charisma, and sexiness packed into a total of ten pages.

For those of you who may want to purchase this issue, check out www.highcut.co.kr.

22 October 2009

TVXQ Jaejoong’s Heaven’s Postman reveals release date 21 Oct 2009

Back in May, we talked about Heaven's Postman, a telecinema production starring TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong and Han Hyo-joo. Back then, there were many rumors that Heaven's Postman was going to be released around May / June, but for reasons unknown, it kept being postponed. Well, the release date is finally revealed and it's going to be released on November 25th, 2009.

Jaejoong plays Shin Jae Joon (Japanese character's name is Yu), an IT worker who gets into an accident and ends up in a vegetative state, becoming a messenger for the present and the afterworld. While traveling back and forth, delivering letters to the departed, he meets Jo Ha Na, played by Han Hyo Joo (Saki), as she is trying to send her boyfriend a letter. She is the only person who can see him.

Heaven's Postman's budget is estimated to be around $9 million us. This drama is directed by Lee Hyeong Min, who previously directed Sorry, I Love You and Snow Queen. The script is written by Long Vacation Japanese popular screenwriter, Kitagawa Eriko.

Heaven's Postman is highly anticipated and some clips of Jaejoong kissing the co-star got fans riled up back in June. With a star like Jaejoong, who's also very popular in Japan, it should be a hit.

TVXQ Jaejoong and Micky on Boy Pop Factory 21 Oct 2009

Japanese TV Station BS Fuji aired Boy Pop factory and it featured TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Jaejoong and Micky Yoochun. The recording for this took place back in August, before the release of their Oricon chart topping COLORS Melody and Harmony / Shelter. However, like some shows do, they didn't air it until last night. At the recording they performed 4 total songs: COLORS Melody and Harmony, Begin, Been So Long, and Rainy Blue.

Unfortunately for fans of Jaechun, Boy Pop Factory only aired Begin and COLORS Melody and Harmony. Despite only showing 2 performances, I thought both the performances were very good, check them out below. Thanks to tohosomnia for the tip, and also thanks to dnbn.

21 October 2009

Where the PHO is Xiah Junsu? : 20 Oct 2009 - 01:45 PM

Despite the turmoil between TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki and SM Entertainment, the boys of TVXQ have been quite busy. Jaejoong and Micky with their COLORS single topping the charts in Japan,

Yunho with his acting on Heading to the Ground, Changmin with his preparations for his upcoming acting role, but what about Xiah Junsu?

Well, it seems Xiah Junsu has secretly opened up a Pho restaurant and has been busy with that.

According to Women's Weekly in Japan, a Korean reporter recently took a trip to Xiah Junsu's new

Vietnamese Pho restaurant in Seoul. The reporter stated that the food that was served was delicious and also stated that Xiah Junsu was hard at work in the kitchen. Xiah was seen talking to the kitchen staff and would stay in the back of the restaurant. The reporter went for a total of three days and saw Xiah at the restaurant each day.

Lim Yong Pil, a good friend of TVXQ and former manager of So Ji Sup is also said to be part investor in the restaurant. There's also rumors that Micky Yoochun may be a part investor as the trio was frequently seen meeting privately. Lim Yong Pil also wrote on his minihompy, "Finally, I've started a business with my two younger brothers of TVXQ." Showing further proof that Micky is also an investor.

Many people also claimed to have seen various members of TVXQ eat randomly at the restaurant to show their support for Xiah Junsu and Micky. Unfortunately, there's no specific information on the name of the restaurant or where exactly it's located, but I would love to stop by and eat there.

TVXQ in Seventeen Magazine 19 Oct 2009 - 03:43 PM

TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki
is featured in the latest (November) issue of popular Japanese magazine Seventeen.

Two pretty Japanese girls named Elena Misuawa and Saki Takei, who are popular amongst the Seventeen readers attended a A-nation concert on August 22nd and got to meet their favorite group TVXQ. The two girls were very nervous but eventually had a lot of laughs with the boys, they got to hang out with them backstage, they received autographs, a T-shirt, and got to talk with the boys of TVXQ. You can read more about this encounter on the first and second photos below. Thanks to smiley & junsuluv @ OneTVXQ for the translations, thanks to Hey!JJ and sharingyoochun for sharing the photos.

TVXQ Yunho for W Korea and NYLON 19 Oct 2009 - 01:43 PM

Remember the photos of TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's Yunho for Evisu? Well, Yunho is back at it again but this time for both W Korea and NYLON Magazines.

Yunho is expanding his horizons, not only by going into acting for his starring role in Heading to The Ground but also modeling. Unfortunately, his star power isn't enough to draw viewers to Heading to The Ground as it has suffered it's lowest ratings ever with a 3.1 share. Thanks to soojin for the tip and sharingyoochun for sharing the photos.

TVXQ’s Yunho is lonely 20 Oct 2009 - 12:47 PM

A brief interview was conducted with TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki's leader Yunho during the photo shoot for W Korea. During this interview, he stated that he misses his band mates, that it's a lonely experience going solo as an actor on his drama, Heading to the Ground. He continued by saying that he needed go through this whole acting process, as it was a good learning experience for him and that this whole ordeal will help him grow.

Unfortunately for him, like I mentioned yesterday, his drama has been suffering low ratings. Hopefully, this won't deter him from accepting future acting roles. Although, his role in Heading to the Ground did have some nice perks.

15 October 2009

Heading to the Ground OST Released 13 Oct 2009 - 09:24 PM korea

Perhaps the most anticipated drama by our fellow k-pop fans, MBC's Heading to the Ground is currently sustaining its single digit rating. Even if its rating is also heading to the ground, it seems like this show's soundtrack is rising in popularity. The OST has finally hit the shelves, attracting music fans regardless of the series' low-rated fame as a drama. It is reported to be filled with high quality songs produced by Oh Joon Sung, the same producer that was in charge of Boys Before Flowers soundtrack.

The soundtrack of Heading to the Ground enjoyed attention in the spotlight from many netizens before it was even released due to the stellar line-up of artists. The thirteen tracks consist of dazzling songs such as, It's Love, by SNSD's Taeyeon and Sunny as a duet, Motion, by SNSD and "Look at the Sky" by Bobby Kim (of Buga Kingz). The SNSD songs did not only hit the number one spot in various music charts, but has also been hailed as the best soundtrack songs of the latter half of 2009. I guess with the mighty heroines, SNSD, on their side, the drama won't be a total failure (sorry, Yunho and Ara).

TVXQ fails to reach agreement with SM Entertainment again 14 Oct 2009 - 02:12 PM korea

Most of you already know that Hero Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu, and Micky Yoochun of TVXQ / DBSK / Tohoshinki are having issues with SM Entertainment. If you don't, you're probably living under a rock... Anyway, the three applied for provisional disposition on July 31st citing unfair terms and conditions of their contracts with SM Entertainment.

The three members, who asked the court to suspend their contracts with the agency, have failed to reach an agreement. We knew on September 15th that talks broke down and that the Seoul Central District Court was going to try to settle the matter again on September 30th. However, the three members refused to negotiate. The Court will not be summoning them again and will reach their final decision... when you ask? Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm thinking it'll be soon... probably some time this month.

It's been around 2 months since this unfortunate situation first took place. The court is about to make a hard decision, whether it be the 3 leaving the company and the group itself, SM spilling the beans, changing their contracts (possibly for all SM artists) and everything going back to normal. Who knows, but I hope for the best. In any case, the decision should come sooner than later so stay tuned for it. And be sure to check out our friends over at the

12 October 2009

Final Deadline For Document Submission, Monday October 12, 2009 Korea

According to officials about the recent exclusive contract conflict issues against SM Entertainment (SM) involving 3 TVXQ members Jaejoong, Junsu, and Yoochun, both side will need to launch the final written official stands as for today.

The law firm official that is representing 3 TVXQ members on October 12th had a phone call with MtStar News, “The court told me that today is the last day to submit official stand documents for both parties. So today is the last chance for both sides to strengthen each other side’s defense in written document.”

Seoul Central District Court announced that last August 21st was the deadline of submitting papers required from the 1st hearing that was already represented on last September 11th trial, however due to large documents submission from both sides and time limit pressure, the final deadline to complete the documents was determined as in today.

The official also said, “After the last submission of official stands document today, sooner or later the court’s decision of unfairness long term contract matter will finally be released.”

The three members of TVXQ filed a disposition application to terminate exclusive contract effect to Seoul Central District Court on July 31st against SM Entertainment. To verify income information, there is evidence preservation application that has been confirmed needs to be submitted.

However in this case the leader U-Know Yunho and the youngest Choikang Changmin did not participate.

11 October 2009

Why are Idol Groups so famous? 09 Oct 2009

Korean Idol groups are not just important in the entertainment biz, but in daily life as well. They are role models, which is why they are called "idols" and people of all ages in Korea are influenced by them in one way or another. Many fans of idols wonder how they become so famous and how they stay on top.

Below are the few ways these people find their claims to fame.

Big Bang and 2PM are two of the most popular boy idol groups in Korea and both started off being featured in documentaries. These documentaries showed how the members train, how they got in the agency, if they had talent or not, and showed audiences and possible fanbases their personalities before debut. Documentaries give the future idol groups many fans before their actual debut, which helped them be successful when they started promoting, instead of beginning as nobodies.


Of course, many famous idol groups did not have documentaries.

Even if they start completely fresh in the entertainment business, the agencies can make the magic happen. Agencies are crucial to becoming successful. There are many in Korea, but if you are in the 3 most famous agencies in Korea, which are JYP Entertainment, YG Entertainment, and SM Entertainment, you are almost always guaranteed publicity. These 3 agencies know how to pick the best out of the best in their auditions and train them to fight for the top spot in the music industry.


Producers play a huge role in maintaining an idol's fame. There are many famous hit producers in Korea, such as the Brave Brothers and E-Tribe just to name a few. Producers must make it so that the song doesn't sound plagiarized and catches the ears of fans everywhere. Ever hear the chorus of "Sorry Sorry", "Gee", "Nobody"?


If you are a newcomer to the scene and you debut when there are many veteran groups performing, chances are you are not going to get much attention. Timing is crucial and it's always wise to debut when there's the least amount of noise.


Although talent has overcome looks these days in the Korean music industry, as witnessed through a number of recent popular groups, good looks definitely do not hurt. Because Koreans like to judge people on their looks, (small faces, raised noses, big eyes, white complexion, etc.) it's almost a requirement for celebrities to be beautiful.

Yunho does Checkmate; Go Ara does Girls on Top

Viewers were drawn to a particular scene shown in episode 10 of MBC's Heading to the Ground on 8th October.

To cut the long story short, Cha Bong Gun (Yunho) wanted to buy a laptop for his sister, Cha Byul (who is super adorable) who was celebrating her birthday. He ropes in his agent, Kang Hyebin (Go Ara) to help him in the selection but realizes that all the laptops are priced out of his reach.

While walking along the streets, they chanced upon a singing contest where one of the prizes on offer was a laptop. Bong Gun naturally signs up for it eagerly and also brings Hyebin into the picture although she is unwilling. Yunho being the slick dance machine of DBSK in reality, does a neat performance of his self-composed song, Checkmate while the reluctant Hyebin gives it her all, doing a gag version of BoA's Girls on Top which was really hilarious. And the hilarious performance wins the laptop prize!

Jaejoong and Yoochun Grace FRaU Magazine 09 Oct 2009

DBSK members Yoochun and Jaejoong are enjoying currently enjoying their top spot on the Oricon charts with their hit single album "COLORS ~Melody and Harmony / Shelter" and naturally, with success comes great exposure.

The boys have already been featured on the Oricon Style Magazine, but now FRaU, another Japanese magazine, has chosen to proudly feature these two pretty boys on their pages. In comparison to previous shoots, the final product of pictures is covered with a splash of color and even a "Beautiful You"-esque picture, which shows the two showering in rose petals. Looking dashing and sexy, these guys sure know how to make a fangirl's heart melt. Check 'em out right here!

10 October 2009


Size: 963 MB - AVI
Duration: 53mins19sec

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Size: 885 MB - AVI
Duration: 49mins30secs

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